Tree Agate Raw
Sale $2.00 $1.70
Tree Agate in its Raw Form
Sold per piece, Tree Agate is selected at random. Photos are an example of what you will get. But may not be exact. Some photos may show stones wet. This is to bring out the colour.
Tree Agate normally has white with Green Dendritic Patterns. Moss Agate normally is more translucent rather than solid white but still having the Green Dendritic Moss like pattens. Been cryptocrystalline in nature, there are so many variables, and it is not uncommon to sometimes have both transience and solid white found within the same deposits. There for it can be said Tree Agate and Moss Agate are one on the same.
Each Tree Agate is aprox between 27-30 grams.
Please Refer to photo with ruler for size.